Friday, March 21, 2008

I've been tagged...



A. Post the rules.
B. Answer the questions about yourself.
C. After posting, tag 5 people by going to their blog and leaving a comment.

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was 15 yrs. old getting ready to graduate from junior high, I thought I was so old! Dancing took up a big portion of my free time. I also worked for my dad at his store, Western Express. I loved hanging out with my friends and had a lot that lived my me and were in my ward. aawww the good ole' days.....

2. 5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Finish the laundry.
2. pay some bills!!
3. Make Easter cupcakes.
4. Dye Easter eggs tonight with Bryan and my boys.
5. Get some sleep!!!

3. What snacks I enjoy:

Well lets see... where do I even begin. I love snacks so I will just put my very top. Chips and salsa. Candy, especially anything with chocolate. Cold cereal, eat it all the time. ice cream. Smoothies. Most kinds of fruit.

4. What would I do if I were to suddenly become a billionaire?
Well I guess first I would pay off any debts. Get a rockin' new car, and one for Bryan. Set up some accounts for my boys (mission, college, or whatever.) Buy a house right on the beach (but just for vacations) and do a lot of traveling. Also I suppose I would give to family members. And give a lot away. (who really needs billions of dollars... I'm sure if I kept it all to myself I would become a big spoiled brat!!)

5. 3 bad habits:

1. procrastination... do it daily.
2. Stress out way to much.
3. I, just like Whitney am a picker. I pick at everything, my arms, face, Bryan, kids. I have an obsession with Q-tips, love em. Lately I have been getting zits for the first time in my life (kinda weird to just be starting now.) but I cannot leave them alone and pretty soon my face is all red from me picking at anything. But I especially like picking at Bryan and he just goes and hides he hates it so much.

6. 5 places I've lived.

1. Born and raised in Vernal and lived in the same house my whole life until...
2. I moved to New Jersey when I was 19 to be a nanny.
3. Moved back home after almost 2 years.
4. Got married about a year later. We lived in a condo for a few months, then rented a house for 1 1/2 years, moved in with my mom and dad for awhile, we are currently living in a duplex.
5. But will hopefully soon be moving into our house!!!
(I haven't lived in alot of places besides vernal. but I love being around family.)

7. 5 jobs I've had:
1. I started working when I was pretty young for my dad at his store.
2. B.W. Dinosaur Inn.
3. A nanny to 3 great kids.
4. Abercrombie and Fitch.
5. Wife and Mom!!

8. Things people don't know about me.
1. I am afraid of the dark, It freaks me out.
2. I have been skydiving.
3. I love, love, love jewelry... to look at mostly. I make my own and I don't wear it very often. But i have a TON. and A LOT of beads and stuff to make jewelry with. so if anyone wants any... just give me a ring.
4. I am a major pack rat. I have "collection" of tons of stuff. and I don't even use most of it. I think I have a problem with throwing things away. But I am getting better at not saving everything .
5. I love reading, and try to sneak it in as often as possible.
6. I have a tattoo... ummmm sounded like a good idea at the time?
7. OBSESSED with shoes.
I tag: Brittany, Melanie, Lindsey, Lauren, Liberti and anyone else who is wanting to do this.


The McClellan Clan said...

you little WILD CHILD!!!!! I in a million years can NOT see you getting a tATTOO!!! of what and where???
The skydiving thing sounds crazy would you ever do it again?? So when are you guys moving?? I'm not kidding we all need to get together!!

Liberti said...'s fun to read about you but I have to say, I could've named most of thoes things - it's amazing what we know about each other....

PS - promise I'll get to my tag, eventually!

Robert, Melanie and fam said...

Thanks Erin that was fun to read! I remember those day's when you worked at your dad's store and we use to go there and play. Dress up in the clothes and model in the front window for the cars driving by and dance. That's was so much fun! Ahh the days!

Please put a picture on my map!!

The Soundtrack